
Nam Cong hydropower plant generates electricity at the end of the year


In early 2007, employees of Tay Bac Power Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (Song Da Corporation) came out at three construction sites in two districts of Muong La and Song Ma in Son La province: Nam Chien 2 hydropower plant, Nam Cong Hydropower Plant, Nam So Hydropower Plant. Engineers and workers are racing to make time for all three plants to generate electricity by the end of 2009.

According to Mr. Hoang Dinh Muoi - Director of Nam Cong Project Management Board said: The plant has designed capacity of 10 MW, including 2 units, electricity output is 39.234.000 kWh. In 2008, the river was completed and the pits were filled.

By June 2009, the laborers of Tay Bac Power Development Investment Joint Stock Company and COMA 5 Company have installed steel reinforcement and poured tens of thousands m3 of concrete at the locations of foundation pit, spillway and canal. . More than 7,000 cubic meters of spillway, more than 2.3 km of spillways have been filled with 20,000 cubic meters of sewage. The equipments such as hoses, straws are being installed, the pressure piping system is 97.76 m long. (2 m in diameter) was installed in June.

At present, the construction site of the crane is installed in August, equipment such as roto, stator, transformer has been assembled in the yard and is being adjusted.

In the dry season, the site maintains 3 shifts for the purpose of generating power unit 1 at the end of 2009.

Articles and photos: Cao Khanh Hung (BXD)