
Working Environment

    At NEDEN JSC., we understand that health and safety regulations are paramount to the well-being of the employees and the employer. Many hazards are present in today's work environments, and it's the ourour job to keep our employees safe from these hazards. The goal of our company is to create a healthy balanced working environment for our employees.

Pictures of nature and temperate north west

  • People perform best in a corporate culture that values trust and two-way communication. That’s why we strive to listen to our employees’ needs and work in the best way possible to helps our employees balance work and life. A variety working models enable NEDEN JSC., employees to arrange their working hours in a way that, as far as possible, aligns with their personal circumstances..
  • We encourage healthy lifestyles. Health services vary from site to site, but we offer yearly health care check-ups and health insurance in addition to medical advice from doctors. Understanidng that a healthy diet is the cornerstone of good
    health., therefore, we make sure that our employees’ meal set is from trustworthy farm-to-table provider.
  • NEDEN JSC., ensures that all of our guidelines for safety and workplace andconstruction sites are followed. Employeesare trained periodically on Health & Safety.Our engineers are trained according ISO14001:2015; ISO 45001:2018 standards as well as the company’sset of regulations on occupational safety inmachinery operation, overhead operation,installation and commissioning of craneequipment, installation of electricalequipment, emergency response fornatural disasters.